
Contour Your Body With Our State-Of-The-Art PHYSIQ Laser!

Contour Your Body With Our State-Of-The-Art PHYSIQ Laser! Photo

January is one of the most popular months people tend to prioritize their health. Starting off the year by improving your diet and exercising more is great for your health. But if you’re looking to tone your body more than what diet and exercise can provide, then a PHYSIQ laser treatment is a perfect option.

The PHYSIQ laser is designed to tone muscles and contour the body. It’s FDA-approved and treatments are quick so you won’t have to take much time out of your busy schedule to achieve results. The state-of-the-art PHYSIQ laser technology is waiting for you and here’s what you need to know about it.

Why Is The PHYSIQ Laser Different?

The PHYSIQ laser provides laser energy and muscle stimulation, and it’s the only laser globally to do so. It also uses Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse (STEP) technology to make it simple for medical professionals to target specific areas comfortably. The PHYSIQ laser technology is the only one in the United States that uses STEP technology. No matter where you’re stubborn fat areas are or where you want to tone your muscles, the laser treatment can target them. The PHYSIQ laser is not a weight loss product, but it’s designed to help you achieve your desired results along with an ideal diet and exercise plan.

What Benefits Can You Expect With A PHYSIQ Laser Treatment?

With the PHYSIQ laser being so versatile, clients always want to know exactly what benefits they can expect with every treatment. While we can’t list all of the benefits here because the list is too extensive, some of the main benefits clients enjoy include:

  • Reducing fat
  • Skin tightening
  • Removing stubborn fat areas
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Muscle-building
  • Virtually no downtime
  • Long-lasting results

If these are any of your desired benefits, then it’s worth it to schedule a consultation with a medical professional to determine whether a PHYSIQ laser treatment is right for you.

What Makes The PHYSIQ Laser Safe?

The consistency of the laser temperature makes the PHYSIQ laser one of the best when it comes to safety. Temperature spikes are possible with other types of lasers, which can cause some skin discomfort during and after the treatment. Not only does the PHYSIQ laser eliminate temperature spikes, but it also provides contact cooling. In fact, the laser temperature is usually just a touch higher than your skin’s normal temperature.

Minimal Downtime Makes For A Great Recovery Period

Some people decide to stay home following their PHYSIQ laser treatment, but it’s not necessary to do so. Normal activities can generally be resumed as soon as you walk out of the treatment facility. However, your medical professionals will advise you to avoid things like hot showers, saunas, baths, and direct sunlight for the first few days.

Most people will simply experience their skin feeling warmer than normal for several hours following the treatment. Your medical professional will also provide after-care instructions you should pay close attention to. Most of the time it just includes tips for keeping your skin hydrated and protected.

When Are Results Expected After A PHYSIQ Laser Treatment?

One of the best parts about a PHYSIQ laser treatment is it typically takes about 30 minutes to administer. If you want to treat different areas of your body, you can do so on the same day instead of spreading the treatments out. Clients can expect to see noticeable results after a single treatment, with the results improving after additional treatments over 2-3 weeks. And as you continue maintaining your good diet and exercise habits, you can expect to enjoy the results for years to come.

Start Your Body Contouring Journey Today

Now is the perfect time to begin your journey of contouring your body how you’ve long desired. You’re working hard with your dieting and exercising, so you deserve to see the best results possible. The PHYSIQ laser technology is a perfect complement to your efforts and the results speak for themselves.

Skin Deep Laser Services always offers the best laser technology to clients. The PHYSIQ laser is one of the top lasers in our facility and we highly recommend it for people wanting to tone their bodies. It all starts with a free consultation with one of our experienced medical professionals, so contact us today to begin the process.

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