I had a cover up the tattoo on top of my old tribal tattoo. But the cover-up work just looks like a poorly done tattoo and/or an ugly smudge on my skin. I never intended to make my tattoo worse with the cover-up but unfortunately, that’s what I’m left with.
A few weeks ago, I finally decided to have it professionally removed. Fortunately, laser tattoo removal treatments are very popular but the challenge is to find a quality skin care center specializing in laser tattoo removal here in Virginia. Trust me, there aren’t many of these skin care centers in Virginia worth looking at.
After a lot of research and three consultations, I’ve chosen to have my tattoo removed at Skin Deep Laser Services in Burke, Virginia. Out of the three skin care centers that I visited, Skin Deep was hands down the best one. For laser tattoo removal treatments they use Quanta Q plus C laser and NOT the over-marketed Picosure laser which other skin care centers use. I learned online that the manufacturer of the Picosure Laser is facing a massive lawsuit for overpromising and under delivering.
If you're taking the time to read my blog then you should look into this for yourself.
The specialist at Skin Deep was very knowledgeable about skin care and recommended that I keep my tattoo out of the sun for a few months prior to my treatment, the other centers were pushing to treat me the day of my consultation. Apparently, sun exposure prior to a laser tattoo removal treatment would decrease my chances of a great result. I was very thankful for this information as I had recently gone to the beach.
I was also left with a bit of scarring from my cover up tattoo so I was also looking for a center that could treat scarring as well as tattoos. Skin Deep also has a laser for Fraxel skin treatments. The specialist suggested Fraxel laser treatments to the area, once I’m finished with the laser tattoo removal process, to treat my scaring. I was so excited to hear this. The other places I went to did not have these capabilities.
Also, the laser tattoo removal treatment, as much as it sounds complicated and unnerving, does not have to hurt as bad as you would think. During my consultation at Skin Deep, the Specialist showed me a cooling device that she would use to help cool my tattoo prior to using the laser. She turned it on and blew my skin with it as a demonstration, wow!… this thing really seems to work, my leg was freezing cold after just seconds of being near my skin!
Besides using the best lasers on the market, their office and exam rooms are brand new, super clean and the staff is very welcoming. I can’t say the same for the other places I visited.
My first laser tattoo removal treatment is scheduled for October, my next blog will be on the first treatment along with some photos.