
How to Prepare Your Skin for the Holidays

How to Prepare Your Skin for the Holidays Photo

With every season change brings a new skincare routine you have to get into. Since the cooler weather has already been here for a few weeks, you may have already started your preparations for the winter by getting a chemical peel or another treatment. And if not, the holidays are right around the corner, so there’s no better time than the present to start thinking about your skin. Whether you’re still working on clearing up your skin from the summer months or if you just want to remove some of your signs of aging, here are a few ideas to consider before the holiday season really gets started.

Exfoliate With A Chemical Peel

There’s never a bad time to get a chemical peel, but sometimes the best time to get one is at the beginning of a change in seasons. A chemical peel exfoliates the skin in order to get rid of old skin and replace it with newer and healthier skin. Once the peeling process is complete, your regular skin moisturizers and other products will be more effective and will create the results you expect and desire.

Consider Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing can help people look several years younger with a single treatment, and results can be seen in less than two weeks. So if you’ve been wanting to get rid of some wrinkles, fine lines, improve your skin texture, revise pigmentation issues and more, now is the time to consider getting a fractional CO2 laser treatment. Getting a treatment now will ensure you have plenty of time to recover before the holiday season really gets busy, and you’ll look and feel great when it arrives.

Hydrate Your Skin And Your Body

Outside of getting a chemical peel or laser skin resurfacing treatment, the best thing you can do for your skin this time of year is keep it hydrated. The air is drier and the temperatures are cooler, so it’s easy to neglect giving your body the proper amount of water it needs. This can lead to dry skin and other skin issues, so stay hydrated as much as possible and protect the outer layers of your skin with moisturizers when needed.

Skin Deep Laser Services enjoys the holiday season just like everyone else, and we especially enjoy helping clients look and feel wonderful during this joyous time. Our clients in Washington DC, Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria, VA often visit us this time of year to simply get a chemical peel for the best exfoliation of their skin. Starting now will help your skin be flawless by the holidays, so contact us at any time to schedule a consultation and see how we can help.

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