When you decide you need to have a chemical peel, you need to consider the different types available. Depending on the type of skin damage you have, there are three different options. Of course, your doctor is the one who will ultimately make the recommendation about which one is best for you, but we will provide you with an outline of the different options as well. Each type uses a chemical solution to exfoliate the skin and create newer and rejuvenated skin, but the intensity of each varies. Here is what you should know about each.
Superficial Chemical Peel
The superficial chemical peel is the lightest option and is used to treat only the outer layer of skin. It will gently exfoliate the dead skin cells and promote new skin growth. This is a popular type if you want a chemical peel facial, since the intensity isn’t very strong, but is still effective.
Medium Chemical Peel
A medium chemical peel is used to treat both the outer layer of skin and the middle layers as well. If you have minor scarring from acne or other reasons, a medium chemical peel may be your best option, since a scar generally goes down to the middle layers of your skin.
Deep Chemical Peel
A deep chemical peel is reserved to repair severely damaged skin. The chemicals used in this procedure are intense, so not all skin types are suitable for it. Sedation is generally required and clients can expect a longer recovery time with more extensive side effects.
Which is The Best Option For You?
The best chemical peel for you depends on your skin type and the severity of the skin damage. Most chemical peel treatments are safe and effective, but if you have serious skin damage, then other alternatives may be recommended. As usual, be sure to get evaluated by a doctor in order to determine which chemical peel is right for you.
Skin Deep Laser Services is here to address all of your concerns, whether it’s the chemical peel cost, the type of chemical peel you need or the recovery procedure. We serve clients in the northern Virginia areas of Fairfax, Annandale, Springfield and Alexandria. If you are considering a chemical peel, be sure to contact us for an initial consultation to go over all of your options.