
How to Tell the Difference Between Acne vs Rosacea

How to Tell the Difference Between Acne vs Rosacea Photo

If you frequently experience skin inflammation that causes redness and possible irritation, you may be suffering from one of two common skin conditions: rosacea or acne. These conditions have similar characteristics, but they are actually very different once you understand the appearance, the symptoms and what triggers them. The American Academy of Dermatology offers some important distinctions between the two to help you pinpoint the condition you may have. People need to understand the most basic differences so they can pursue the right treatment options and take proactive measures to prevent the breakouts or flare-ups from occurring. A fractional CO2 laser treatment is usually the best treatment option for people, but consider this information about each condition before proceeding with a treatment.


Understanding Rosacea

Rosacea is a more chronic skin condition than acne. With rosacea, your skin may appear bumpy, red, warm, rough or even flushed. Possible inflammation, swollen eyes and raised bumps filled with pus are also possible in more severe cases. Many people don’t even consider the possibility that they have rosacea because some forms of it appear like a sunburn or just a bad acne breakout. In general, rosacea appears mostly on facial areas, but it can also develop on the neck, shoulders and arms.

The cause of rosacea is difficult to pinpoint, as medical professionals often have a tough time understanding it as well. It is believed to be a result of how well each person’s body regulates their skin temperature. This is why many people with rosacea experience flare-ups when they are outside on a warm day, drink alcohol, exercise or eat spicy foods, as these will raise their body temperature. When this happens, blood vessels expand to release the heat and help you sweat to cool the body back down. These blood flow changes could be the reason for developing rosacea.

Do You Just Have Acne?

Acne is typically not a chronic skin condition like rosacea, but it can cause damage to the skin if left untreated. The appearance of acne isn’t usually widespread at once and could be in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, bumps and redness. People can develop acne anywhere on the body, but the most common areas are on the face, back, shoulders and chest.

While adults can experience acne breakouts periodically, they are more common in teenagers and young adults in their 20’s. Some of the common triggers for acne include certain medications, hormone imbalances, stress, poor diet, pregnancy or menstruation, among others. These triggers can cause the skin to produce excess oil, which clogs skin pores and can potentially become infected. If the acne breakout is severe, it could lead to lasting scars on the skin that may only be reversed with an acne scar revision treatment.


You May Have Rosacea And Acne Simultaneously

Stress is a common trigger for both rosacea and acne. People in their early 30’s are more at risk for developing both conditions, but anyone can get them both simultaneously. A common situation for having rosacea and acne is if you’re pregnant and under a significant amount of stress. A combination of medications and stressors can also lead to excess oil production in the skin and cause breakouts. If you believe you may be experiencing a combination of acne and rosacea, it’s best to visit a medical professional to determine the proper treatment method.


Treatment Options For Rosacea

People with mild cases of rosacea may be prescribed medication by their medical professional to lessen the symptoms. Other people with more widespread or severe cases may benefit from a laser treatment with the pro yellow laser for rosacea. The pro yellow laser for rosacea is one of the best on the market today and works by removing the swollen blood vessels and the excess skin caused by rosacea.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, people who use lasers to treat blood vessels tend to experience results that last 3-5 years. The blood vessels will never appear again, but new ones can form. The redness in the skin can also be reduced drastically after just a few treatments and can be effective for several months due to the ongoing collagen production. Each person has unique needs and circumstances, so discuss with your medical professional whether the pro yellow laser for rosacea is a viable treatment option for you.


Treatment Options For Acne

Acne scar revision is a popular and effective treatment option for people who have dealt with acne for many years. A fractional CO2 laser treatment can reduce the appearance of many different types of scars ranging from minor to severe. The acne scar revision procedure works by sending a laser beam into the affected area of the skin, which creates tiny columns like a polka dot print. The body then naturally goes to work repairing these columns by making new skin and tissues and pushing out the old skin. During the process, elastin and collagen production are given a boost so you can enjoy clear and fresh-looking skin for several months after the treatment.

Prevention Tips

Everyone’s body is different, so certain triggers may be more impactful for some people, but not for others. In general, though, you can take the following preventive steps to limit acne and rosacea breakouts:

  • Minimize alcohol consumption

  • Keep your skin protected from direct sunlight

  • Wear sunscreen when you will be out in the sun

  • Remain hydrated

  • Avoid saunas, hot tubs, warm baths and warm showers

  • Limit spicy food consumption

The best thing to do is take notice of when your breakouts and flare-ups occur to try to pinpoint what causes them. Then you will know what activities to avoid or limit to keep them under control.

Skin Deep Laser Services uses only the best laser technology to help our clients feel comfortable and confident in their skin. The pro yellow laser for rosacea is widely regarded as the best technology available and our clients have experienced great results after being treated. Rosacea and acne can be tough skin conditions to deal with, so feel free to contact us at any time to schedule a consultation and learn more about which treatment may be best for you.