
Can a Chemical Peel Treat Fine Lines?

Can a Chemical Peel Treat Fine Lines? Photo

Anyone who has researched chemical peel benefits may have come across an extensive list of things a single treatment can do. In addition to making your skin look brighter and more youthful in general, it can even target certain conditions like sun damage, acne spots, uneven skin tones, wrinkles and even fine lines, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The secret of a chemical peel is in the mixture of ingredients, including Vitamin C, Glutathione, Retinoic Acid, Kojic Acid, Phenol, TCA and Salicylic Acid. These work together to solve many skin conditions and leave you with clear and healthy skin for months to come. Here’s what you need to know about chemical peel treatments and how they treat fine lines and other conditions.

Types Of Chemical Peels For Treating Fine Lines

Three types of chemical peels are available, depending on the severity of your fine lines:

  • Superficial (light) peel - this chemical peel focuses on the outermost layers of the skin to gently exfoliate any dead skin cells.

  • Medium peel - this chemical peel targets the middle and outer layers of the skin to improve deeper fine lines.

  • Deep peel - this chemical peel is not widely used anymore, as it is only used for severely damaged skin and laser skin resurfacing is safer and more effective.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information recommends having an experienced medical professional evaluate patients to determine whether they are fit for a chemical peel, as well as whether they are suitable for anesthesia. Knowing any underlying conditions you have will make the treatment safer, more effective and reduce the risk of complications.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

It’s important to understand the process of how a chemical peel treatment works. Your medical professional will apply the acid solution to the area where your fine lines are most prominent. The exfoliation process will then begin and the peeling process starts after about three days. Your skin will slowly peel away for up to 12 days. During this time, the old skin is being replaced by newer, more youthful, tighter and firmer skin.

While you may experience significant improvements with your first chemical peel treatment, multiple treatments will likely be required depending on the severity of your fine lines. Anywhere from one to three treatments are typically recommended by medical professionals, and they should be spread out a minimum of four weeks apart. Once you have effectively removed the fine lines to the point where you are comfortable with the appearance of your skin, you may consider getting a chemical peel facial two or three times a year to maintain the appearance as long as possible.

Concerns And Side Effects With Chemical Peel Treatments

It’s understandable for people to want to know if any potential side effects are possible with a chemical peel facial. While there are many different chemicals used to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment, a chemical peel is generally safe for all types. However, the most important aspect to remember is to always allow a professional to apply the chemical peel. Using over-the-counter chemical peels can be dangerous, especially if you do not apply them correctly. In some cases, people have caused more damage to their skin by incorrectly using a chemical peel, with some of the damage being irreversible. These concerns are alleviated when you work with a reputable medical professional.

In general, people may experience some itchiness, irritation and possible redness following the application of the chemical peel. This is normal and a good sign the treatment is working. Be sure to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area before and after the treatment since the skin will be much more sensitive to sunburn and sun damage.

People who may not be candidates for a chemical peel treatment include pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, anyone who is allergic to the ingredients, people undergoing radiation, who have a history of autoimmune diseases and other similar conditions. Your medical professional will ask you a series of questions and determine your complete medical history to ensure you won’t experience any adverse side effects from the chemical peel.

Preparing Your Skin For A Chemical Peel

The first step to prepare your skin for a chemical peel is to visit your medical professional for a consultation. In general, wearing sunscreen and moisturizing the skin before the treatment is all that’s required, but your medical professional may have other suggestions depending on your skin. Avoiding sun exposure as much as possible for a few days leading up to your treatment will make the process more comfortable. The main thing to remember following your treatment is to keep your skin as clean as possible. While you can go to work and resume most normal activities, get a gentle cleanser and avoid wearing makeup, exercising and participating in activities that could get your skin dirty. Preparing these items in advance can make the peeling process much easier.

Avoid Over-The-Counter Chemical Peels

While over-the-counter chemical peels are readily available, think twice before using them to treat your fine lines. Many products claim to be the best and most effective, but the truth is many of them don’t work as advertised and could cause more harm than good. There’s a reason why trained professionals should administer a chemical peel treatment. Not applying the acid solution correctly could cause serious damage to your skin to the point where the fine lines are no longer the biggest problem. The best thing is to avoid these products completely and rely on your medical professional to do the job.

Skin Deep Laser Services strives to provide our clients with the safest and most effective chemical peel treatments available. Having smooth skin free of fine lines and wrinkles can provide a major boost to your self-confidence, so it’s well worth pursuing if you would like to make some changes. It all starts with a free consultation, so give us a call or email us to schedule yours.