
Are You Ready to Improve Your Skin’s Health and Appearance?

Are You Ready to Improve Your Skin’s Health and Appearance? Photo

Everyone wants to have healthy and vibrant looking skin. The truth is as you get older, it becomes more difficult to maintain great-looking skin since various blemishes can occur, like sun spots, acne scars, pigmentation issues, enlarged pores and more. These are all common side effects of getting older, but they can also be drastically improved with a chemical peel treatment. Here’s what you need to know about the chemical peel benefits and how it can improve the health and appearance of your skin.

What Can A Chemical Peel Do?

Since there are three different types of chemical peels, there are various levels of skin damage they can address. The lightest is a chemical peel facial, which is not as intense since the skin is more sensitive in the facial area. A deep chemical peel can target some of the deepest skin layers to improve skin that’s been severely damaged.

The process of getting a chemical peel starts with a medical professional applying an acid solution to the affected area. This will then begin an exfoliation process to remove the damaged layers of skin and replace them with fresh-looking skin. It only takes a matter of minutes to apply the solution, and the results will continue to show for months afterward.

Long-Term Improvement To Your Skin’s Appearance

One of the best chemical peel benefits is the entire peeling process can take up to a couple of weeks to complete, but the results can last for up to a year or longer with a single treatment. Of course, this depends mostly on how well you care for your skin afterward, but your medical professional will explain how to do so. And if your skin starts showing signs of aging or experiences more damage, you can get up to about three chemical peels per year to help maintain the desired results.

Caring For Your Skin Following A Chemical Peel

The best ways to care for your skin following a chemical peel is to reduce sun exposure immediately afterward, avoid exercising and sweating and keeping the skin clean as much as possible. You need to pay extra close attention and be conscious of your skin care during the couple of weeks after the chemical peel was administered. After the peeling process has ended, you can resume normal activities, but it’s always good to protect your skin as much as possible to enjoy the chemical peel benefits as long as you can.

Skin Deep Laser Services wants everyone in the Washington DC, Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington, VA areas to have healthy-looking skin they can be proud of. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your skin or just simply want to improve its appearance, then you owe it to yourself to pursue your options. Never hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation and learn how you can quickly and effectively improve your skin’s appearance for the long-term.

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